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Book review: A Visit from the Goon Squad, by Jennifer Egan
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Through 13 loosely connected vignettes from different characters' viewpoints spanning roughly 40 years, Pulitzer-winning author Jennifer Egan's A Visit from the Goon Squad [


Book Review: Practicing New Historicism, by Catherine Gallagher and Stephen Greenblatt
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Book reviewers read many things, some quite strange. Yesterday, for instance, I was forwarded a press release for the "must-read non-fiction children's book of the season" about bald eagles. Today, I read a new historicist's perspective on "The Potato in the Materialist Imagination&

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Book Review: American Gods, by Neil Gaiman
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What happens when the idols are no longer active and the idol worshippers are all dead? This is the conversation while driving home from seeing The Pixies at The House of Blues in Boston. Take Bob Mould. He may still be an idol of 80s alternative rockers, but how much

book review